Privacy policy

1.General infor­ma­tion
The Con­troller of your per­son­al data processed with­in the frame­work of the fol­low­ing web­site is: Del­i­cadeza (here in after referred to as the “Con­troller”).

  1. For the sake of the secu­ri­ty of your per­son­al data we were devel­oped the inter­nal pro­ce­dures and rec­om­men­da­tion, which pre­vent shar­ing per­son­al data to unau­tho­rised per­son. We con­troll and check the com­pat­i­bil­i­ty of rel­e­vant reg­u­la­tions – Per­son­al Data Pro­tec­tion Act, elec­tron­i­cal­ly sup­plied ser­vice, imple­ment­ing leg­is­la­tion and Com­mu­ni­ty law.
  2. Only the User and the Admin­is­tra­tor (only if he is autho­rized by leg­is­la­tion) can give a per­mis­sion to process Per­son­al Data and are allowed to process Per­son­al Data in order to keep side of the bargain.
  3. Web­site gath­er data about Users and their behav­iour:
    - through the data filled vol­un­tar­i­ly into forms
    - by col­lect­ing “cook­ies”
  4. Infor­ma­tion in the forms the web­site col­lects infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed vol­un­tar­i­ly by the User.
  5. Per­son­al Data pro­vid­ed while fill­ing in the con­tact form are processed.
  6. Per­son­al Data are safe and will not be sold or shared by a third par­ty accord­ing to the Per­son­al Data Pro­tec­tion Act.
  7. The User is allowed to see and update his Per­son­al Data anytime.
  8. The Ser­vice reserve the right for mak­ing changes and updat­ing the Per­son­al Data Pro­tec­tion Act if tech­nol­o­gy devel­op­ment affects, Per­son­al Data Pro­tec­tion Act changes pos­si­bly or devel­op­ment of the web­site. We will keep you updat­ed about pos­si­bly changes.
  9. Web­site can con­tain hyper­links to oth­er web­sites. These kind of web­sites work inde­pen­dent­ly and are not super­vised by this web­site This kind of web­sites can have own Per­son­al Data Pro­tec­tion Act, which is rec­om­mend­ed to read.
    You can con­tact us any­time here.